That's What I'm Tarkin' About
Flexability, Damage Negation, and lots of black dice. Grand Moff Tarkin brings his Imperial Doctrine to bear in this dreadful fleet. Thanks again to Ryan Kingston's Fleet Builder:
Name: That's What I'm Tarkin' About!
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Grand Moff Tarkin
Assault: Most Wanted
Defense: Fleet Ambush
Navigation: Solar Corona
ISD Kuat Refit (112)
• Grand Moff Tarkin (28)
• Defense Liaison (3)
• Darth Vader (3)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• Leading Shots (6)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• Seventh Fleet Star Destroyer (5)
= 168 Points
Gladiator I (56)
• Skilled First Officer (1)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Auxiliary Shields Team (3)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• Seventh Fleet Star Destroyer (5)
= 73 Points
Gladiator I (56)
• Skilled First Officer (1)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Auxiliary Shields Team (3)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• Seventh Fleet Star Destroyer (5)
= 73 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Slicer Tools (7)
• Suppressor (4)
= 34 Points
• IG-88 (21)
• Hondo Ohnaka (24)
= 45 Points
Total Points: 393
This is honestly one of my favorite fleets to fly, and I have flown it before. I know it looks a little jank, but let me explain. I originaly took the idea from IratePooka, and I nudged it a little bit. Here are the basic building blocks:
Moff Tarkin rides in a Kuat, barreling down upon his opponents. He gives tokens out each round, boosting the entire fleet, depending upon their needs. A Defense Liaison rides as the captian, allowing the Kuat to use that Tarkin token to change their dial to a Navigate or Engineering, depending upon the situation. This flexability is allows the Kuat to be where it needs to be and bring up those valuable repair points a turn sooner than you originally expected. Darth Vader rides in his boarding team, ready to shred the most valuable upgrade from the opposing fleet. Electronic Countermeasures allow the Kuat to use their most valuable defense token when it matters most, and 7th Fleet Star Destroyer allows the ISD to mitigate damage as it hunts down its prey. Leading Shots and Assault Proton Torpedoes allow the Kuat to bring the heat.
Two identical Gladiators fly escort with the Kuat. Both are captained by a Skilled First Officer, a standard “break glass in case of emergency” officer on a 2 command ship. Ordiance Experts and Assult Proton Torpedos and bring the pain, and let me tell you, they HURT. I have seen a single one of these bad bois last-first a fully sheilded and healthy ISD, and blow it up before it could even react. I had some hot dice, but 73 points taking out 100+ with only one hull damage in return is nothing to scoff at. Auxiliary Sheild Teams and 7th Fleet Star Destroyer keep these bad bois alive a little bit longer, and support keeping the ISD alive.
The Gozanti Cruisers are the annoying pest in this list. Suppressor exuasts valuable defense tokens when enemy ships close in on your fleet, and Slicer Tools messes up a ship's command for the round, and with Tarkin (usually) passing out engineering tokens, those tools can permenantly decide a ships command to their least useful one, sevearly hindering its potential. It also serves as a little squad pusher for the two squads included in the squad in case of emergency.
The two squads included have one objective in mind: Eliminate the scariest enemy squadrons before blowing up. IG-88 ignores escort, and will hunt down his bounty as fast as possible. Hondo Ohnaka premptivly activates the scariest squadron, or moves it to a safer range if it has already activated. If there are no scary squads, they are both adequate at dealing ship damage to continue the pain. Even if both of these squads go down, giving these 45 points up to keep enemy bombers and squadrons off of my ships is usually worth it, expecially if I can take down the opposing carrier.
With a decent bid at 393, I usually take first to get those juicy last-firsts. If I dont get first, I tried to get the objectives to meet my needs. Most Wanted makes it so much eaiser and more valuable to eliminate the opponent's most valuable ship. Fleet Ambush allows me to pounce on some of his ships sooner, splitting up his fleet and bringing those poor victims into black dice range sooner. Solar Corona gives me positional and deployment advantage, and it allows me to set up in a way where I can still use my defense token by eliminating my opponent's accuracies.
I've played this fleet a couple time, and have tabled opponents, and have been tabled as well. Its a really fun list to fly and I recommend it highly to anybody who likes black dice and scary ships with lots of potential.