The Hateful Bearbug
Fuel your anger, feed your hate with this list. Using the tools that annoy and frustrate most players, you are bound to crush your enemies under the use of old and new technology combined. Ryan Kingston's Fleet Builder brings this fearsome fleet:
Name: The Hateful Bearbug
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Admiral Screed
Assault: Most Wanted
Defense: Contested Outpost
Navigation: Volatile Deposits
Venator II (100)
• Reeva Demesne (4)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• External Racks (4)
• Expanded Launchers (13)
• XI7 Turbolasers (6)
• Seventh Fleet Star Destroyer (5)
= 143 Points
Onager Star Destroyer (110)
• Admiral Screed (26)
• Captain Needa (2)
• Sensor Team (5)
• Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
• Superheavy Composite Beam Turbolasers (7)
• Seventh Fleet Star Destroyer (5)
= 162 Points
Gladiator I (56)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• Seventh Fleet Star Destroyer (5)
= 69 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Darth Vader (1)
• Comms Net (2)
= 26 Points
= 0 Points
Total Points: 400
This fleet is alot. only 4 activations, tons of upgrades to remember, and 0 squadrons to speak of, I have no idea how it will fly, but I want to bring it to the table. If you choose to as well, I would let your opponent know, so you both are playing on the same even ground. Meant to deal alot of critical damage really quick, this fleet combines the old technology of the Venator II with the new technology of the Onager Star Destroyer.
The Venator II is a relic in the Imperial Navy, but it still can pack quite the punch. Reeva Demesne captians this one, and her ability allows the Venator to refresh a defense token once per round, as long as the defending hull zone has shields. Electronic Countermeasures allow the Venator to use the most valuable defense tokens when it is most important, playing very well with Reeva. While being pretty defensive, this monster Venator has teeth! A perfect roll, with External Racks, Expanded Launchers, XI7's with a Concentrate Fire Die added comes out to 19 damage with a locked down brace and the ability to only be able to redirect one damage. Now, that roll is unlikely, but knowing that you can take down a full health Star Destroyer in one single shot, or attack a Starhawk in its strongest hull zone and bring it down to 2 hull points left is incredible. Even without the perfect roll, you can wipe small and medium ships from the game quite easily. The best advice for this ship, point it towards the biggest, scariest opposing ship and melt it. This is the “Bearbug” of the list.
The “Hateful” part of this list is the flagship. Admiral Screed has moved from his Venator in the Clone Wars to weild the experimental new Onager Star Destroyer. Captian Needa is here, allowing the Onager to be little more defense with an evade token, or using that evade to fuel the Turbolaser Rerout Circuits (more on those in a minute). The Superheavy Composite Beam Turbolasers deal extra damage for each crit that is shown on the dice. These extra points of damagte usually go towards the shields of the opponent's ships, but that allows you to wear them down quicker. In order to trigger that ability though, you have to have a red critical, which is where those Turbolaser Rerout Circuits come in handy. They guarentee that critical red hit, and if you already have one, you can create another critical result to maximize the damage. The Sensor Teams allow you to also produce a quaranteed accuracy icon. So, between Admiral Screed's ability, the guarenteed accuracy and double hit/crit combination, you are going to punch some damage in one way or the other.
The Gladiator is very bare bones. Assault Proton Torpedoes and Ordinance Experts hit hard, and are not to be underestimated. The 7th Fleet Title, which is on all the aforementioned ships, helps mitigate damage that will inevitably be coming towards your ships as you barrel against your opponents.
The Gozantis are your extra padding for your ships. Darth Vader is currently driving these cruisers, and is willing to choke out any officer to get that extra dice rerolls (looking at you Needa). The Comms Net passes out valuable tokens to keep the engine running and assist where needed.
Coming out to 400 points means I will usually be second player, and my objectives are here to help support that. Most Wanted will quickly take down any opposing ship, and my Gozanti is a valiant sacrifice for those extra points. Contested Outpost is easy points in my favor. Setting the Onager and Venator on top of the station will be hard to beat, and pulls the enemy right into my path. Volatile Deposits is Admrial Screed's dream. With the Gozanti farming points, Screed is totally willing to trigger that splash damage. He will pile on those extra criticals, and the enemy will know he is commanding this dreadful fleet.
I have yet to fly this fleet, but I really want to. I think that this isnt super competative, but would be a fun list to bring to a causal day.